
Cyber Maturity in the Asia-Pacific region (2016)


Publication date: 2016

Author: Liam Nevill, Zoe Hawkins, Tobias Feakin & Jessica Woodall


This report is the third edition of an annual report examining cyber maturity trends across the Asia–Pacific. It surveys a wide geographical and economic cross-section of the region, encompassing 23 countries from South, North and Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and North America.

The ICPC has developed a ‘cyber maturity metric’ methodology to assess the various facets of states’ cyber capabilities. This model has been refined through engagement with Asia–Pacific experts and stakeholders so that it effectively assesses changes in state approaches and technological developments. ‘Maturity’ in this context is demonstrated by the presence, effective implementation and operation of cyber-related structures, policies, legislation and organisations. These cyber indicators cover whole-of-government policy and legislative structures; responses to financial cybercrime; military organisation; business and digital economic strength; and levels of cyber social awareness. The research base underpinning each of these indicator groups has been collated exclusively from information in the public domain; that is, this report’s conclusions are based solely on open-source material.

To make considered, evidence-based cyber policy assessments in the Asia–Pacific context, both comprehensive data and an effective analytical framework are required. Using the data from the metric, we have also developed a stand-alone ‘cyber engagement scale’ for government and industry. The scale is intended to be a reference tool for identifying opportunities for the sharing of best practice, capacity building and development, plus commercial opportunities. With this additional layer of analysis, governments and the private sector can tailor engagement strategies to best fit existing levels of maturity in each policy area in each country