
African Cyber Experts Fellowship: Lessons Learnt Report 2020


Publication date: 2021


The purpose of this document is to draw out some of the key lessons learnt from the discussions held as part of the African Cyber Experts Fellowship programme. This is the first iteration of the document, but it is intended to be a living document which can be supplemented and changed as the group develops.

Some of the participating countries have been asked to concentrate on particular topics where they have demonstrated expertise and maturity in a specific area of cyber security. For example, during the Fellowship workshops we heard many success stories from Uganda, particularly with regards to garnering support from senior representatives. As a result, the lessons learned input from Uganda concentrates on the success in changing the mindsets of high-level management and leaders and creating an environment of innovation to drive cyber security forward. The Fellows from the CERT in Mauritius have shared their lessons on the challenges in the development and implementation of the Mauritian Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Strategy, and Botswana have shared their experience on the benefits of international collaboration.