
Building Bridges in Cyber Diplomacy: How Brazil Shaped Global Cyber Norms


Publication date: 2024

Publisher: Springer Cham

Author: Alexandra Paulus

ISBN: 978-3-031-60387-7

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This publication explores the international forums where states formulate cyber norms—guidelines for the use of information and communication technologies by governments. It delves into the emerging field of cyber diplomacy with a focus on Brazil, an often-overlooked but crucial player. While the global debate is largely framed by the West versus China and Russia, this book illustrates Brazil’s pivotal role as a bridge between these opposing sides. It provides an in-depth analysis of Brazil’s influence in shaping cyber norms through various platforms such as the United Nations, BRICS, and the Organization of American States. The book also places Brazil’s efforts within the broader context of its domestic cybersecurity policies and foreign policy traditions, offering valuable insights into how different actors contribute to shaping international cybersecurity policy.