
Guide To Fostering Inclusive Cyber Norm Processes (Inclusive Cyber Norms Toolkit)


Publication date: 2023

Author: Veronica Ferrari, Dr. Katharine M Millar, Allison Pytlak, Dr. Tatiana Tropina

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Tags: Gender Considerations


This toolkit is a pathbreaking new resource which aims to support and empower policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure a fully inclusive approach to the development and implementation of cyber norms.

Inspiration for creating the toolkit emerged out of Global Partner Digital’s (GPD) extensive engagement in global and regional processes to develop cyber norms. They found an absence of input and perspectives from marginalised communities and groups—including women, LGBTQ+ communities, racialised groups, people in the Global South, activists and security researchers.

While policymakers understood the need to address inclusivity in cyber norms discussions, they often lack specific guidance and tools to do so. In response, GPD reached out to a range of noted experts on cybersecurity, gender and inclusivity, drawing on insights to build out a comprehensive package of action-oriented guidance for policymakers.

The resulting toolkit— available in both English and Spanish—comprises several linked resources:

  • A how-to guide on developing an inclusive process to develop a cybernorm or implement existing agreed norms
  • An introduction to key terms and concepts relevant to inclusivity and cybernorms
  • Key questions for facilitating inclusive stakeholder mapping processes
  • A mapping of regional and global cybernorm processes

The toolkit will be officially launched at a side event on 26 July 2023 at the fifth substantive session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on ICTs, taking place from 24-28 July in New York.