
The Need for Better Metrics on Cybercrime


Publication date: 2019

Author: Ishan Mehta



The United States is facing a massive cybercrime wave, yet there are no comprehensive statistics available on the size and scope of the problem and law enforcement’s actions against it. Without these statistics, it is difficult to make an informed case for policy changes to reduce the cybercrime wave and bring cybercriminals to justice.

There are three major buckets of data that do not currently exist in the United States in full that policymakers need to address: 1) the magnitude and costs of cybercrime, 2) the extent of law enforcement efforts to counter cybercrime, and 3) the impact of these law enforcement efforts in reducing cybercrime.

This memo details the current state of cybercrime metrics and recommends actions Congress should take to address the gaps in available data.

Source – Third Way website