
Pathways Towards Confidence: Priorities and Perspectives on African Confidence-building Measures in Cyberspace

This publication has been produced under the context of the EU Cyber Direct – EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative project. It raises pathways towards confidence for African states, specifically regional organizations, strategic partners, and stakeholders. It delineates elements relevant when seeking to advance responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Further, this paper outlines considerations for actors when adopting cyberspace confidence-building measures (CCBMs) to develop cyber-mature government.

Concretely, this document explores the evolution of CCBMs in Africa and regional relations with multilateral partners as well as current motivations and incentives to carry out CCBMs. Additional context specific sensitivities and CCBM dynamics are laid out for consideration. Finally, the paper concludes with a pyramid model for CCBM development as well as additional notes on pathways for stakeholder inclusion.