
Best Practice Forum Cybersecurity (IGF 2024): Mainstreaming capacity building for cybersecurity, trust, and safety online


Publication date: 2025

Author: Ms Josephine Miliza (IGF MAG member), Ms Carina Birarda (IGF MAG member), Mx Oktavía Hrund G Jóns (IGF MAG member), Ms Hariniombonana Andriamampionona (BPF co-facilitator, former MAG member), Mr Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio (BPF co-facilitator, UNJSPF rep. to the MAG), Mr Wim Degezelle (BPF Cybersecurity consultant, IGF Secretariat)


The output report from the Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Cybersecurity Capacity Building at IGF 2024 presents the key findings from this year’s discussions held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The report delves into the main concerns of cybersecurity and trust, drawing from a series of community consultations that shaped the forum’s focus.

It highlights the complexities of cybersecurity capacity building, emphasizing the importance of localized, context-driven solutions and the need for continuous learning and improvement. The report also underscores the value of utilizing existing platforms and mechanisms more effectively to maximize impact.

The BPF is a multistakeholder initiative within the IGF, bringing together experts and stakeholders to collaborate on identifying best practices in cybersecurity capacity building. Its goal is to enhance global efforts by fostering dialogue and sharing knowledge across diverse communities.