Guide to UK Lessons Learned from Public-Private Partnerships in Cyber Security
Cybil code: G0142
Status: Finished
From: Apr 2016
To: Mar 2022
Themes & Topics
- Cyber Security Policy and Strategy
- Strategies
- National Assessments
- CBMs, Norms and Cyberdiplomacy
- Cyber Incident Management & Critical Information Protection
- National Computer Security Incident Response
- Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
- Cybercrime
- Cybercrime Training and Prevention
- Legal Frameworks / Cybercrime Law
- Cyber Security Culture & Skills
- Cyber Security Awareness
- Education, Training & Workforce Development
- Cyber Security Standards

This project enabled the University of Gloucestershire to produce a lessons learning guide on public-private partnerships in cyber security to share the experience of the UK with other capacity building partners. The report will be published on the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre for all countries to access.
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