
Overview of upcoming and past regional and global events related to cyber capacity building.

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Showing 1-9 of 9 results

22 Oct, 2024

UN Cybercrime Convention: What does it mean and how will it impact all of us?

After three years of negotiations, initiated by Russia in 2017, the UN Member States at the Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) adopted the draft of the first globally binding legal instrument on cybercrime. The adoption of the convention has proceeded despite significant opposition from human rights groups, civil society, and technology companies, who have raised concerns about potential risks of increased surveillance.

Once formally adopted, how will the UN cybercrime convention impact the security of users in the cyber environment? What does this legal instrument actually say about the cross-border cooperation in combating cybercrime? What human rights protections and safeguards does it provide?

Join this webinar for a virtual expert discussion to get the views of several delegates involved in the negotiation process. The session will help understand the contents of the agreed draft convention and its practical implications for all of us.

6 Nov, 2024

Research Workshop: Expertise in Cyber Diplomacy

International negotiations over issues of digitalization and cyber issues have taken on a profound standing in international affairs.

This article adds to recent scholarship on these issues and draws attention to the role of expertise in structuring and shaping these negotiations. Leveraging a range of qualitative materials, the workshop will identify key trends in the composition of cyber diplomacy expertise and investigate how these have shaped outcomes of international negotiations across key diplomatic arenas

8 Nov, 2024

Taipei , Taiwan

2024 APCERT & FIRST Regional Symposium for Asia Pacific

The 2024 APCERT & FIRST Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific takes place in conjunction with the APCERT Annual General Meeting.

The symposium will feature a day of plenary sessions on November 7, followed by a training day on November 8. Please note that separate registrations are required for each day. For more information, refer to the Registration section.

This collaborative event is designed to enhance global cooperation, offer networking opportunities, and advance our collective efforts in cybersecurity. We invite participants from across the globe to contribute to and engage in discussions aimed at fostering a secure and reliable cyberspace in the Asia-Pacific region.

Topics of Interest

Under the theme “Power of Together: More Than the Sum of AP CERTs/CSIRTs,” we encourage submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

Threat Trends: Evolving threats, sophisticated hacking groups, sector-specific threats (e.g., financial, energy), and regional threats in Asia-Pacific.
Threat Intelligence and Analysis: Mechanisms and techniques for analysis (tools, applications, platforms), and cross-domain intelligence integration (IT, OT).
Emerging Technologies: Innovations in attacks and defenses, AI applications and threats, Zero Trust Architecture, cloud security, and advancements in quantum and post-quantum encryption.
Governance and Management: Risk management, CSIRT maturity evaluation, and training/awareness programs.
Collaboration Models: Vulnerability disclosure and coordination, cross-sector and cross-border collaboration, and incident response.

We look forward to your participation and contributions to strengthening our collective cybersecurity efforts.

Program At-A-Glance

- November 7 | Plenary Sessions
- November 8 | MITRE ATLAS Training (Full-day)

11th-12th November, 2024

Paris, France

Paris Peace Forum 2024 (7th Edit.) – Wanted: A Functioning Global Order

The 7th edition of the Paris Peace Forum will take place on 11-12 November 2024, at the historic Palais de Chaillot in Paris, a venue directly facing the Eiffel Tower across the Seine. This year’s theme, “Wanted: A Functioning Global Order“, will address the urgent need for effective international governance in a world marked by great power rivalries, global instability, North-South distrust and new transnational challenges.

The event will have a strong focus on the landmark election year and the impact of political tensions on the 2024 geopolitical context and multilateralism. The 7th Paris Peace Forum will take place less than a week after the U.S. presidential election and just before the G20 in Rio and COP in Baku, but also in a year where votes were held for the European Parliament, as well as national elections in India, Mexico, Indonesia, France and the United Kingdom.

Shortly after the UN Summit of the Future, it will also convene discussions with all relevant actors on how to address urgent violent conflicts, from the war in Ukraine through the situation in the Middle East, Central Africa and the Horn of Africa.

In addition, the Forum will continue to focus on the international governance of global public goods: agriculture, transition minerals, fair benefit-sharing in public health, cybersecurity, AI and other key issues that require greater coordination on a north-south and east-west basis, and which can lay the groundwork for sustainable peace through dialogue.

The event will be an opportunity to showcase the 10 projects selected at the 2023 Forum. They will present their results and achievements after a year of customized support through our Scale-up Program.

12th-14th November, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe Conference (CIPRE)

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies, and governments to collaborate on securing Europe. The conference will build on the themes of previous events to create a better understanding of the issues and the threats, facilitating the development of frameworks, good risk management, strategic planning, and implementation.

The conference will deliver discussion and thought provoking presentations on many of the serious critical infrastructure protection, management and security issues and challenges facing the industry.

• High level conference with leading industry speakers and professionals
• Learn from experiences and challenges from the infrastructure and security companies, agencies and commercial organisations
• Gain insight into national and regional policy and security developments in relation to CIP
• Constructive debate, educational opportunities and cooperation advocacy
• Share ideas and facilitate in valuable inter-departmental, government and agency cooperation
• Exhibition showcasing leading technologies and products
• Networking events and opportunities

27th November, 2024

Ljubljana, Slovenia

ENISA Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference (1st Edit.) – Reframing Cybersecurity Awareness Raising

ENISA is pleased to announce its 1st Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference, which will be organised in collaboration with the Slovenian National SI-CERT, at CANKARJEV DOM, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The Conference is addressed to professionals of the public and private sector who are tasked with Cybersecurity Awareness Raising, either within their organisation or as an outside activity.

Participants will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with cyber psychology and the current trends in approaching diverse target audiences; draw lessons from experience to this day; and learn about awareness raising best practices and gamified content.

2nd-6th December, 2024

New York, United States

9th Substantive Session – U.N. OEWG on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025

The 9th Substantive Session of the U.N. Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Security of and in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies (2021-2025) is convened in accordance with the letter on the Proposed Schedule of OEWG Meetings 2023-2025 from Burhan Gafoor, Chair of the OEWG and representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Singapore to the U.N., sent on 17 August 2023.

In 2020, the General Assembly through resolution 75/240, established a new five-year open-ended working group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021–2025. The group is mandated to further develop the rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of States; to consider initiatives of States aimed at ensuring security in the use of information and communications technologies; to establish, under the auspices of the United Nations, regular institutional dialogue with the broad participation of States; to continue to study, with a view to promoting common understandings, existing and potential threats in the sphere of information security, inter alia, data security, and possible cooperative measures to prevent and counter such threats, and how international law applies to the use of information and communications technologies by States, as well as confidence-building measures and capacity-building.

14-15 May 2025

Geneva, Switzerland

GC3B 2025

The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) are thrilled to officially announce that the second edition of the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) is scheduled to convene in Geneva, Switzerland on the 14 – 15 May 2025. The conference will take place at the International Conference Center Geneva (CICG).

The second iteration of the GC3B will build on the successes of its inaugural edition, which took place in November 2023 in Ghana. Responding to the need for a high-level platform that elevates discussions on cyber capacity building onto the global governance agenda, the GC3B is the first event to convene policymakers and leading experts from across the world to catalyze action for cyber resilient development. The GC3B 2025 will also build on the process of the Accra Call for Cyber Resilient Development, which is a milestone document presented at the first conference. The 2025 edition of the conference will further aid the coordination of global cyber capacity building efforts, helping unlock financial resources and improve international cooperation.

Why cyber capacity building? To ensure a free, open, and secure digital world, every country should have the resources, knowledge, and skills they need to invest in their digital future. Nations should work together and support each other with these capabilities, so that no country is left behind in their digital evolution. After all, a chain is only as strong a s the weakest link.