Unpacking Cloud Cybersecurity: A Guide for Policy Makers in Developing Countries
Publication date: 2024
Themes & Topics
This report provides policymakers in developing countries with a conceptual framework to understand the key challenges and benefits of cloud adoption for cybersecurity risk management, as well as practical recommendations on how to enhance cyber resilience when procuring cloud services in the public sector. It encourages policymakers to support hybrid, multi-cloud approaches and to partner with industry leaders to accelerate cloud adoption by government agencies, including for hyperscale public cloud.
The report also identifies key tools to maximize cybersecurity in cloud environments, including technical mitigations (e.g., multi-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption), policy instruments (e.g., cloud first policies and cloud marketplaces for the public sector) and strategic initiatives (e.g., G20´s Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) and OECD’s Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities).