
The Role of Regional Organizations in Strengthening Cybersecurity and Stability: Experiences and Opportunities


Publication date: 2019

Author: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) & the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

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This report, a result of the 2nd International Security Cyber Workshop Series, delineates contributions of regional organizations in promoting work on cybersecurity issues. Regional organizations have actively assisted their members with the implementation of recommendations from United Nations processes, which offer guidance, building capacity and helping to address cyber concerns in regionally appropriate ways. Against the backdrop of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security in the use of information and communications technologies, regional organizations offer a unique and central role in helping to prepare and support their members’ active participation in these discussions, implement already-agreed norms in ways that enhance regional stability and security, and lay the foundation for further progress at the multilateral level. Regional cybersecurity efforts benefit from these structures. This report outlines the added-value of regional organizations in this process.