
Operational framework and guidelines for the planning and execution of ITU regional cyberdrills


Publication date: 2021

Author: International Telecommunication Union

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The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) improves cyber security readiness, protection and incident response capabilities by conducting cyberdrills at both regional and international levels. Cyberdrills are planned events during which cyber-attacks, information security incidents, and other disruptions are simulated in order to test the cyber capabilities of an organization, including detection, response, and resilience. Through cyberdrills, participants are able to assess the strength of policies, plans, procedures, processes, and capabilities that enable preparation, prevention, response, recovery, and continuity of operations.


This guide is intended for host country organizers, co-organizers and partners. It contains good practices, event planning guidance, and suggested methods of developing and executing a successful regional cyberdrill, including, but not limited to, the recommended technologies, tools, methodologies, and responsibilities of the parties involved.