
Advancing Accountability in Cyberspace: Models, Mechanisms, and Multistakeholder Approaches


Publication date: 2024

Author: The Henry L. Stimson Center

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This report, a product of Stimson’s Cyber Accountability Project, presents findings from a two-year research effort aimed at improving international cyber accountability and deterring malicious cyber activities. Led by Allison Pytlak, James Siebens, and a team of experts, the project draws parallels between cyberspace and other threat domains, such as arms control, outer space, and human rights, where international norms and laws have been successfully implemented.

Through ten case studies, the report explores how accountability models used in these areas can be applied to cyberspace. It offers policymakers and stakeholders a toolkit of proven approaches to foster accountability, deter destructive cyber behavior, and promote positive incentive structures. The authors conclude that, despite the unique challenges of cyberspace, effective oversight is possible through multistakeholder efforts, political will, and both formal and informal mechanisms. The report provides a practical roadmap for enhancing responsible behavior in the cyber domain.