Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development (DSSD)
Themes & Topics
With Rwanda steadily moving forward in the quest to become a knowledge-based economy by 2020, the increase in use of information and communication technology (ICT) is a prerequisite
and remains a key enabler of such an ambition.
For the country to register more achievements in the ICT sector
there is a need to promote the development of digital solutions
and to strengthen the institutional and human resource capacities
of the responsible key institutions: Ministry of ICT and Innovation
(MINICT) and its implementation agency Rwanda Information
Society Authority (RISA).
The Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development (DSSD) program is set up to support Rwanda’s mission of becoming a knowledge and service-based economy and will primarily advise Rwandan institutions on the implementation of the Smart Rwanda Master Plan (2016-2020) and its priority projects.
The Approach
Digital solutions are developed in collaboration with the local and
international private sector, research institutions and civil society
with the support of the Digital Transformation Center (DigiCenter)
as a project unit of DSSD.
Sector ministries are financially supported in the implementation
of the developed solutions. In addition, cooperation with African
organizations and networks like the Smart Africa Secretariat and
the SDG Center for Africa allows the developed solutions to scale
to other African countries. The center also acts as a bridge between
German and European companies/research institutions and
potential Rwandan partners.
Another core service of the DSSD program is to support the
institutional and capacity development of MINICT, RISA and other
partners through intensive capacity building, organizational
development, business process optimization, and expert advice.
The Objective
Rwanda‘s capacities and systems to adopt a leading role in the implementation of SDG relevant smart solutions for Africa are strengthened.
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