
Overview of upcoming and past regional and global events related to cyber capacity building.

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Showing 411-420 of 426 results

6 Feb, 2020

Accra, Ghana

Freedom Online Coalition 2020

The annual freedom online conference is the flagship event of the Freedom Online Coalition (FOC), bringing together governments and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the most urgent challenges to the realization of human rights online. This year, the Conference will take place at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra from 6-7 February 2020.

6 Feb, 2020

Ancona, Italy


ITASEC: Invitation to participate in a panel on Cyber Diplomacy on Friday 7th

3 Apr, 2019

The Hague , Netherlands (the)

Bringing the GFCE Working Groups Together

The formal focus of the GFCE Working Group Meetings, was to further strengthen an ecosystem for international cooperation on cyber capacity building and to bring the GFCE forward in 2019.

One of the main outcomes of the Working Group sessions was for the different GFCE Working Groups to agree on the work plans and expected deliverables for 2019, that will be presented during the GFCE Annual Meeting 2019 in October. Kindly find the work plans for each of the respective Working Groups in the online report.

UN Headquarters in New York, Conference Room 7, United States

Facilitating Confidence- and Capacity-Building in the Digital Age: UNIDIR Cyber Policy Portal and Other Digital Tools

Taking place alongside the United Nations (UN) Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs), this interactive event showcased four UNIDIR Digital Tools. These tools promote transparency on the development of national capacities to address technology-related challenges. UNIDIR’s digital tools promote international stability by facilitating confidence- and capacity-building in the sphere of technology and international security.

Participants discussed the UNIDIR Cyber Policy Portal, its utility as a confidence-building tool, and its underlying data-collection methodology. Launched in January 2019, the UNIDIR Cyber Policy Portal is an interactive map of the global cyber-policy landscape. It provides profiles of the cyber policies, legislation and relevant national organizational structures for all 193 UN Member States, as well as for various intergovernmental organizations and multilateral frameworks. This confidence-building tool seeks to promote trust, transparency and cooperation in cyberspace.

6 - 7 Jun 2023

Paris, France

Paris Cyber Summit 2023

European leaders and policy makers come to the Paris Cyber Summit to discuss cyber strategies, cyber resilience, and cyber responses among a few topics.

As countries grapple with the impact of the digital transformations, this summit aims at establishing regional stability and understanding among states.

Topics will include digital sovereignty, strategic considerations, and drafting a European course forward based on common values. This includes fostering trust and conducive discussion among partners.

Geneva, Switzerland

UNIDIR Cyber Breakfast: Lessons from the Fourth Substantive Session of the OEWG on ICTs

Following the successful fourth substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021–2025, UNIDIR's Security and Technology Programme will organize a breakfast debrief session open to all Member States as well as industry, academia, civil society and think tanks to discuss key findings, insights and outcomes of the session. 

This session is aimed at unpacking substantive inputs by States and multi-stakeholder community to facilitate dialogue and establish practical and action-orientated projects in Geneva during the intersessional period.

14 Jun 2023

London, United Kingdom

Chatham House: Cyber 2023

Chatham House has played a longstanding role in regional and global multilateralism. As an independent policy institute they have created a trusted forum for open dialogue.

Their Cyber event will highlight the impact of cyberthreats and cybercrime on the economic functioning and wellbeing of states, businesses and individuals.

They have gathered international experts to speak on cyber resilience and safeguards against cybercrime to foster further international collaboration against cybercrime.

12 - 16 Jun 2023

Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Summer School of Cyber Diplomacy 2023

The European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission, in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, the e-Governance Academy, and the Estonian Centre for International Development, are organising a fourth high-level training programme for outstanding junior officials from EU member states.

This opportunity provides training to government officials, as well as young professionals and diplomats interested or in involved in cyber foreign policy-making.

Five-days of full programme in Tallinn are offered wherein attendees can expect to develop their cyber diplomacy skills as well as gain insight from practitioners on: digitalization and cybersecurity; international cybersecurity and responsible state behaviour; enforcing cybersecurity frameworks; cyber capacity-building, and how to improve cyber resilience; table-top cybersecurity exercises

15 - 16 Jun 2023

Stockholm, Sweden

Digital Assembly 2023

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission will host this year's Digital Assembly. To ensure a digital, open and secure Europe, European experts and officials will discuss digital innovation, growth, and competition.

The goal is to enhance Europe's position as a leader in technologies and to develop a competitive digital single market with strong cyber security foundations.

19 Jun 2023

Berlin, Germany

Shaping Cyber Security 2023

At the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, the Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Digital Society Institute at ESMT, and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) are hosting a conference: ''Cyber in Conflict'', Supporting Partners & Avoiding Escalation.

The context is informed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has had a disruptive effect on digital technologies even beyond immediate conflict zones. Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure f.e. has become a major national security threat.

Hence, this conference reflects on effective prevention and conflict management tools among likeminded partners.