The African Union Commission (AUC) is the AU’s secretariat and undertakes the day to day activities of the Union. It is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Its functions, include:

  • Representing the AU and defending its interests under the guidance of and as mandated by the Assembly and the Executive Council
  • Initiating proposals to be submitted to the AU’s organs as well as implementing decisions taken by them
  • Acting as the custodian of the AU Constitutive Act and all other OAU/AU legal instruments
  • Liaising closely with the AU organs to guide, support and monitor the AU’s performance to ensure conformity and harmony with agreed policies, strategies, programmes and projects
  • Providing operational support for all AU organs
  • Assisting Member States in implementing the AU’s programmes
  • Drafting AU common positions and coordinating Member States’ actions in international negotiations
  • Managing the AU budget and resources
  • Elaborating, promoting, coordinating and harmonising the AU’s programmes and policies with those of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
  • Ensuring gender mainstreaming in all AU programmes and activities
  • Taking action, as delegated by the Assembly and Executive Council.