
Understanding the Costs of Cybercrime: A Report of Key Findings from the Costs of Cyber Crime Working Group


Publication date: 2018

Author: Home Office Science Advisory Council

ISBN: 978-1-78655-392-8


Themes & Topics

The Serious and Organised Crime Strategy (Home Office, 2013a) therefore made a commitment to forman external Working Group to help to improve the quality of data associated with the costs of cyber crime. This reportdoes not attempt to arrive at an overall estimateof the cost of cyber crime. Rather, it outlines the activity of the Costs of Cyber Crime Working Group to improve data quality in this area, specifically focusingon the development of an overarching frameworkfor estimatingcosts. In the light of this framework this report makes a number of recommendations on the design of future research into the costs of cyber crime. This report is therefore intended to help to takethe researchcommunitycloser towards achieving better estimates of the costs of cyber crime as part of future studies.