
Public-private partnerships on cybercrime: Regional perspectives on best practices, challenges, and opportunities from the Americans, Africa and Asia


Publication date: 2024

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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This report collects best practices, challenges, and opportunities for strengthening PPPs on cybercrime.
To gather insights from the multistakeholder community, expert interviews and surveys focused on
organizations’ knowledge of and experience with national and regional public-private collaboration to
prevent and fight cybercrime. The guiding questions examined existing initiatives and further explored
the topics, approaches, and resources that can contribute to developing new and strengthening
existing collaboration, and how such programmes benefit from multistakeholder collaboration. Interview
questions for specific projects and case studies zoomed in on public-private mechanisms, motivation
for actors to participate in such partnerships, key aspects driving their effectiveness, and importantly,
examples of success worth following. However, this is not a toolkit on combatting cybercrime, nor an
exhaustive overview of all legal and ethical aspects of public-private models of cooperation. The report
is an initial multistakeholder assessment of the PPPs on cybercrime designed to serve as a practical
tool for raising awareness about this complex issue.

This report was drafted by Pavlina Pavlova (independent consultant) under the direction of Mirella
Dummar and the guidance of Anders Frantzen (UNODC Civil Society Unit) and the Alliance of NGOs on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, as part of the Cybercrime Stakeholder Engagement Initiative. It
aims to provide a practical overview of best practices, challenges, and opportunities for strengthening
public-private partnerships (PPPs) on cybercrime with regional perspectives from the Americas, Africa,
and Asia.