
Practical Guide for CSIRTs (Volume 2): A Sustainable Business Model

This guide is based on the previous document “Best Practices for Establishing a National CSIRT“, developed by the Organization of American States (OAS) in 2016, which covers topics on planning and implementing a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

This second edition is intended to build upon the previous and serve as a directional guide for project leaders, decision makers, and anyone interested in creating, developing, modernizing, or sustaining a strategically focused CSIRT. The guide is limited to CSIRTs in the public sphere, with a special focus on Latin America and the Caribbean.

This guide presents general recommendations, so it is important to understand that when evaluating best practices, it is essential to contextualize the space, time, and resources available to each situation. Each country has a different political structure, culture, geographical
landscape, and legal framework. As such, this guide is not meant to serve as a static template, but rather as a resource adaptable to local conditions, as necessary.