
Provision for the Delivery Partners for Deployment of the Capacity Maturity Modelling (CMM) in Rwanda

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This project involved data-gathering by the NRD Cyber Security as part of a national cybersecurity capacity assessment using the Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM) for the government of Rwanda.



The main objective of the project is to carry out data-gathering by the NRD Cyber Security’s team of researchers through in-country stakeholder consultation and desk research.


NRD Cyber Security implemented this stage of the CMM in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Rwanda’s National Cyber Security Authority through funding from the Home Office of the United Kingdom in order to assess the cybersecurity capacity maturity in Rwanda.


The main output of this project is the evidence-based CMM Assessment Report of Rwanda which provides a comprehensive picture of the status of cybersecurity maturity in five distinct dimensions:

  • Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy
  • Cyber Culture and Society
  • Cybersecurity Education, Training and Skills
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Legal frameworks, Criminal Justice System, Formal and Informal Cooperation Frameworks to Combat Cybercrime
  • Standards, Organisations and Technologies

In addition, co-ordinated recommendations were provided to guide cybersecurity policy planning and investment priorities.

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