
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

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Parent actor: United Nations (UN)

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UNOPS is a service provider, a technical advisor and an implementer of projects. They help the UN and other partners provide peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions.


Their mission is to help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development.


Their vision is a world where people can live full lives supported by appropriate, sustainable and resilient infrastructure and by the efficient, transparent use of public resources in procurement and project management.


They help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development.

They bring to this task the values and principles of the United Nations and the innovation, boldness, speed and efficiency of a self-financed institution.

They bring the highest international standards to what they do, while respecting local contexts. They do this as their contribution to tackling the huge challenges of the 21st century.

They provide practical solutions to assist their partners to save lives, protect people and their rights, and to build a better world.

They aspire to be a leader in the efforts to channel private sector investments for social and environmental impact while addressing the immense needs for sustainable development.

What drives them is a passion to fight inequalities and to provide opportunities to those most vulnerable. This means they often work in the most challenging environments, building foundations for communities to function and people to live with dignity and respect.

They are passionate about quality: In their people and in what they do.

They earn the trust of those they work with by caring about what they value, and by delivering on their promise to always act in the service of people in need.