
Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas (NI-CO)

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Group: GFCE Partner

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Since its establishment by the Northern Ireland government in 1992, NI-CO has emerged as one of Europe’s leading technical assistance providers. Based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the project management organisation has successfully delivered over 600 projects in 82 countries world-wide on behalf of the major multi-lateral and bi-lateral funding agencies. In recent years NI-CO has implemented more than 10 EU Grant Actions, either as Co-ordinator or Implementing Partner, and, as a result of a six-pillar assessment by the European Commission, has been awarded eligibility for indirect management of EU Actions. NI-CO has in-depth experience of implementing large scale multi-country Actions in the justice and security sectors, and has also delivered a number of capacity building projects in the areas of serious organised crime and the prevention of terrorism.Under its six-pillar assessment (PAGoDA) NI-CO is responsible for implementing the Cyber4Dev project on behalf of the European Commission. In this role, NI-CO manages inputs to the project from UK and EU MS partner organisations and provides access to a wide range of institutions responsible for cyber security research, policy development, regulation and operations for countries in need of capacity building. NI-CO is responsible for the implementation, and quality assurance of all technical inputs delivered by EU partners which include Estonia and the Netherlands.