GFCE Research Webinar Series #2: “Cyber Incident Management in Low-Income Countries” Report

As part of its Research Webinar Series, the GFCE launched the report “Cyber Incident Management in Low-Income Countries”. The report was commissioned through the GFCE Global CCB Research Agenda mechanism. Global Affairs Canada funded the production of the report and AfricaCERT assembled a team of researchers.
The report (Parts 1 & 2) can be found on the Cybil Portal: See here
The webinar was co-moderated by the Chair of Working Group B, Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola and the lead of the Task Force on Cyber Incident Management, Vilius Benetis and featured a presentation of the report followed by a round of questions and answers. Speakers include:
• Jean-Robert Hountomey (AfricaCERT)
•Hayretdin Bahsi (Tallinn University of Technology)
•Unal Tatar (State University of New York at Albany)
•Sherif Hashem (George Mason University)
•Kaleem Usmani (Mauritian Computer Emergency Response Team)