
Portal of Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model (CMM) Review Reports

The CMM has been deployed more than 120 times in over 85 nations around the world, including two regional studies in Latin America and the Caribbean through collaboration with the OAS.

Each of the reviews has been coordinated and facilitated either by the GCSCC and one or more of its strategic, implementation or regional partners: Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Organization of American States (OAS), World Bank (WB), GIZ (the German agency for international co-operation), NRD Cyber Security (NRD), Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA), Oceania Cyber Security Centre (OCSC)

Status: March 2021

This list is subject to change as our partners and us continue to deploy the CMM around the world. Please check for updates on this Portal or follow the GCSCC on Twitter @CapacityCentre and LinkedIn

If you are interested in the CMM, how it is deployed and how the countries are using the CMM report and recommendations, please contact us: