
Next Steps for the EU: Building on the Paris Call and EU Cybersecurity Strategy


Publication date: 2022

Author: William H. Dutton, Sadie Creese, Patricia Esteve-Gonzalez, Carolin Weisser HarrisMichael Goldsmith, ,


This policy brief introduces an approach to cybersecurity capacity building as the next step for moving forward on the European Union (EU) Cybersecurity Strategy. Deployment of the Cybersecurity Capacity Maturity Model for Nations (CMM), developed by the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC) at Oxford University, is provided as one approach. This model can help the EU and its member states identify what needs to be done to reach the levels of maturity of capacity building required for them to address their security needs and their commitments to the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the Paris Call. Despite the challenges of using this approach, its advantages recommend it as a valuable next step for the EU and its member states.