
Digital Agenda Observatory – Baseline research of the state of e-government development & digital literacy in the targeted Western Balkan countries 2020

The Digital Agenda is an initiative developed by the European Union, which has also been extended and adopted for 6 countries in the Western Balkan. It aims to ensure that citizens of the region can fully reap the benefits of the digital transformation. The commitment to the Digital Agenda will ensure that citizens have the skills to match the demands of the new economy and will help modernize public administrations, strengthen cybersecurity, increase connectivity, and improve business climate.

Bardhyl Jashari
Blerina Ramaj, Kristina Mänd, Krtistina Reinsalu, Liia Hänni, Mila Josifovska Danilovska, Miša Bojović, Snežana Nikčević, Xheni Lame