Cybersecurity awareness and baselines for SMEs (Herramientas básica para la conciencienciación en seguridad de PYMES)
This page provides an overview of various tools, awareness campaigns and other content focused on protection of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). notably:
- Blog for SMEs (Blog para PYMES) – with articles with cybersecurity news about online services, applications, tools, regulations, etc. of general interest to SMEs.
- Cybersecurity terminology (Terminología de ciberseguridad) – training campaign to familiarise SMEs with the most common cybersecurity terminology.
- Cybersecurity policies for SMEs (Políticas de seguridad para PYMES) – aiming to help SMEs to put in place internal processes to improve their cyber security. These policies address the essential aspects and elements where security must be applied and under control.
- Guides for SMEs (Guía para PYMES) – A set of guides and resources to promote the culture of cybersecurity that aim to provide both practical and theoretical value and thus promote and improve digital security in all areas of SMEs. Some guides include topics such as crisis management, GDPR, e-commerce, etc.