
Cybersecurity identification and formulation study on the Western Balkans

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The project supported the EU’s actions in strengthening and improving the cyber resilience capacities of the Western Balkan countries in order to better address the challenges of cyber threats and improve their overall security, in compliance with EU acquis and best practice.



The project objective is to support the Western Balkans in increasing and enhancing their cyber-resilience capacities, using a rights-based and whole-of-government approach, to better address the challenges of cyber threats and improve their overall security, in compliance with EU acquis and best practice.


This action is part of the support to the implementation of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (as agreed at the Sofia Summit).


The project identified and analysed the cybersecurity capacity building needs of Western Balkans economies and opportunities for the European Commission engagement. The analysis included an overview of the state of affairs, gaps, needs and recommendations for further development.

The study covered the following topics:

  • Legislative, policy and institutional framework on cybersecurity and alignment with EU acquis;
  • Operational capabilities of competent authorities and Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs)/Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) to deal with cyber threats and incidents and to mitigate risks (including through regional and international cooperation);
  • Identification of operators of essential services (as per NIS Directive and proposed revised NIS Directive) and their cooperation with CERTs/CSIRTs within and between beneficiaries;
  • Legislative and policy framework covering operators of essential services and alignment with EU acquis and alignment of the the Western Balkan regulatory framework with the Directive (EU), 2016/1148 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the European Union (NIS Directive) and a revised NIS Directive,
  • Public-private cooperation in the area of cybersecurity.


  • Western Balkans Digital Security Forum (Tallin, Estonia) – 15 June 2022: This event discussed  cybersecurity in the region, explored the best practices of the European Union and presented the cybersecurity study on the Western Balkans.

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