
Bangladesh e-Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOV CIRT)

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Bangladesh Government’s e-Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-GOV CIRT), serves as the National CIRT of Bangladesh (N-CERT) with responsibilities including but not limited to receiving, reviewing, and responding to computer security incidents and activities in the territory of Bangladesh as well as keeping close collaboration with international partners to secure the cyberspace of Bangladesh.

BGD e-GOV CIRT reviews and takes necessary measures to resolve the issues with broad cybersecurity ramifications, conducts research & development, and provides guidance on security threats & vulnerabilities. BGD e-GOV CIRT also works with various Government Agencies, Critical Information Infrastructures (CII), Financial Organizations, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Academia & Civil Societies to help improve the cybersecurity landscape of Bangladesh. BGD e-GOV CIRT has a very strong tie with international organizations and cybersecurity communities and works as a focal point for Bangladesh for trans-border cyber issues.